Social Auditing / Sustainability Assurance
We help you measure the results, effectiveness and value of CSR /Sustainability initiatives using both quantitative and qualitative methodologies.
We conduct sustainability and CSR assurance audits as well as social compliance audits which monitor and measure your organization’s progress against relevant indicators and benchmarks (i.e., SA8000, AA1000)
Case Study

Case 1
We have conducted independent social / compliance audits for a variety of organizations. Our work has included developing indicators, methodologies, stakeholder engagement (customers, employees, suppliers, etc.) and providing assurance through verification of data. Our open and participatory working style has been well received by stakeholders and has resulted in greater buy-in from senior management. Most of our recommendations to improve systems and develop risk mitigation strategies have been implemented by the organization.
Did you know?
68% of the world’s 50 best sustainability reporters use some form of independent verification or assurance provision for their CSR reports (Source: Sustainability and UNEP)
Case 2
We performed a factory / facility assessment for a Canadian company looking to expand their operations in a Latin American country. While the local market showed promise we recommended against the investment based largely on our social and economic assessment. The company accepted our recommendation and expanded elsewhere in Latin America. It now serves the local market from another facility in Latin America.

Case 3
We conducted a sustainability assurance engagement for a major financial services firm which engaged directly with stakeholders to assess the reliability of the organization's disclosure and its adherence to accepted principles of accountability.